

心脏骤停幸存者孟菲斯·扎巴瓦. (图片由扎巴瓦一家提供)
心脏骤停幸存者孟菲斯·扎巴瓦. (图片由扎巴瓦一家提供)

Memphis Zabawa喜欢踢足球. Yet because he has asthma, all the running can be especially taxing.

So, last fall, the seventh grader joined his school's cross-country team. 他的第一场比赛进行得很顺利. 第二场比赛进行到一半时,一切也都很顺利.

His dad, Justin – a high school teacher and soccer coach – was watching in the shade of a city park in Omaha, Nebraska, 还有孟菲斯的弟弟, Cruz.

The first couple times Memphis ran past them, he was with a pack of runners. 第三次,他在他们后面.


As Justin and Cruz started walking up a path along the course to find Memphis, 球队的教练朝那个方向飞奔而去. 当贾斯汀看到教练时,他知道出事了.

孟菲斯在地上. 他的眼睛睁着,嘴唇发青.

他的吸入器就在他旁边的地上. 但这不是问题所在.

他的心跳停止了. 他心脏骤停.

贾斯汀到的时候, two spectators – a teacher and a parent of a fellow runner who happened to be a nurse – were giving Memphis CPR. 贾斯汀阻止了克鲁兹看到事情的发展.

The ambulance arrived and paramedics performed CPR and used an automated external defibrillator to shock his heart and regain a rhythm.

在医院, doctors confirmed that a severe asthma attack had caused Memphis to go into cardiac arrest. 因为他很快就苏醒过来了, doctors felt confident Memphis wouldn't have any physical or mental deficits.

尽管如此,他的父母还是很担心. They felt better the next day while watching a University of Nebraska game. Hearing the song traditionally played when the Cornhuskers run onto the field, 昏昏沉沉的孟菲斯随着节拍挥舞着拳头.

Memphis was discharged the next day with orders to follow up with his pulmonologist.

Using social media, his mom, Erin, found the people who helped her son survive. They gathered for an evening so that the Zabawa family could thank them, 也能把沙巴体育平台点击进入拼凑起来.

“他们都讲述了自己救他的经历,”艾琳说. “这一切都是精心策划的."

救援人员还分享了他们受到的影响, especially during the time between the event and learning he was OK.

Two weeks after his cardiac arrest, Memphis' doctors cleared him to resume all activities. A week later, he joined his teammates for the final race of the season – back at the same city park where he'd collapsed on the final lap.


Memphis Zabawa was cleared by his doctors to resume all activities two weeks after his cardiac arrest. (图片由扎巴瓦一家提供)
Memphis Zabawa was cleared by his doctors to resume all activities two weeks after his cardiac arrest. (图片由扎巴瓦一家提供)

贾斯汀明白其中的利害关系. As a lifelong asthma patient himself, he'd been hospitalized three times in his youth.

"From my own experiences, I didn't want Memphis to think that he has to live in fear," Justin said.

On race day, 克鲁兹坚持跟着他哥哥, 待在后台,向父母汇报最新情况.

On the last lap, Justin returned to the hill where Memphis had collapsed.

"I wanted to see him coming around that loop and going down that hill," he said. “我为他想做这件事感到骄傲."

孟斐斯·扎巴瓦(左)和他的兄弟克鲁兹. (图片由扎巴瓦一家提供)
孟斐斯·扎巴瓦(左)和他的兄弟克鲁兹. (图片由扎巴瓦一家提供)


第二天,孟菲斯踢足球,他是队长. He didn't start, but every time he entered the pitch, parents and kids applauded wildly.

Memphis doesn't remember much of the day he collapsed other than getting to the race and the first couple laps. But he thinks it's important for him and his family to keep talking about what happened.

“我的故事可以拯救另一个人的生命,孟斐斯说, who is a 2024 美国心脏协会 National Heart Walk Ambassador.

艾琳和贾斯汀一直在传播学习心肺复苏术的消息, 他们的许多朋友和家人现在都接受了培训.

“这就是我一生的工作,”艾琳说. "It's not just about learning CPR, but also about responding immediately. 不要等着别人去做. 可能太迟了."

The Zabawa family, clockwise from top left: Justin, Erin, Cruz and Memphis. (图片由扎巴瓦一家提供)
The Zabawa family, clockwise from top left: Justin, Erin, Cruz and Memphis. (图片由扎巴瓦一家提供)

发自内心的故事 chronicles the inspiring journeys of heart disease and stroke survivors, caregivers and advocates.


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