
Eating healthy is one of the easiest 和 smartest ways for individuals to take control of their health. 不幸的是, too many Americans consume too many foods high in saturated 和 trans fats, 添加糖, 和钠, 和 they eat too few fruits, 蔬菜, 全谷物, placing them at increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Among modifiable risk factors, poor dietary habits are a leading cause of death 和 disability.  

Although diet quality has been steadily improving in the U.S. during the past two decades, overall dietary quality is still poor.

woman buying 蔬菜 at grocery store

不幸的是, many Americans live in environments that do not support heart-healthy lifestyles. That is why the American Heart Association supports policies that promote healthy eating in work places 和 schools; encourage food producers, 餐厅, 和 retail establishments to make healthy choices widely available 和 more affordable, particularly in underserved rural 和 urban areas; 和 provide Americans with guidance to make informed decisions.  Strong nutrition policies such as these are critical to keep Americans in good health. 

The association is working on several fronts to improve Americans eating habits.  Currently, we are working hard to protect nutrition st和ards in school meals 和 access to vulnerable children.  During the farm bill, we formulated 和 supported strong policies to improve diet quality, as well as protecting the Supplement 营养 Assistance Program.  We continue to push for policies that would help decrease sugary beverage consumption.  Shaping 和 supporting implementation of FDA nutrition initiatives including menu labeling, 营养 Facts Panel, 健康声明, 和 减少钠 are other areas in which we work.  We also serve as a resource during the development of the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
